Results for 'Verónica Sentis Herrmann'

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  1.  33
    Valparaíso, patrimonio de la eterna decadencia: decadentismo, panoptismo y nihilismo en la literatura porteña.Braulio Rojas Castro & Verónica Sentis Herrmann - 2016 - Hybris, Revista de Filosofí­A 7 (S1):183-214.
    En este artículo se propone una delimitación epistemológica y cronológica que permita organizar y analizar la literatura y la dramaturgia producida en Valparaíso durante el siglo XX. Las categorías de decadentismo, panoptismo y nihilismo cualificaran a tres momentos históricamente situados en los que se han producido obras narrativas y teatrales en la ciudad-puerto. De esta manera, se pretende poner en relevancia la producción de obras culturales a partir del imaginario diferencial de Valparaíso, como un caso de análisis posibles en otras (...)
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    Valparaíso, patrimonio de la eterna decadencia: decadentismo, panoptismo y nihilismo en la literatura porteña.Rojas Castro & Sentis Herrmann - 2016 - Hybris, Revista de Filosofí­A 7:183-214.
    En este artículo se propone una delimitación epistemológica y cronológica que permita organizar y analizar la literatura y la dramaturgia producida en Valparaíso durante el siglo XX. Las categorías de decadentismo, panoptismo y nihilismo cualificaran a tres momentos históricamente situados en los que se han producido obras narrativas y teatrales en la ciudad-puerto. De esta manera, se pretende poner en relevancia la producción de obras culturales a partir del imaginario diferencial de Valparaíso, como un caso de análisis posibles en otras (...)
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  3. Endosemiosis.Thure von UexkuČll, Werner Geigges & JoČrg M. Herrmann - 1993 - Semiotica 96 (1/2).
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    Transcranial Alternating Current Stimulation Enhances Mental Rotation Performance during and after Stimulation.Florian H. Kasten & Christoph S. Herrmann - 2017 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 11.
  5. Transversalité du sens et relations interartistiques : l’héritage greimassien.Denis Bertrand de la Liberté & Veronica Estay Stange - forthcoming - Semiotica.
    Journal Name: Semiotica Issue: Ahead of print.
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    Le hasard et la sélection expliquent-ils l'évolution ? Biologie ou métaphysique.Roger Payot, Janine Flatin, Michel Delsol, Régis Ladous & Philippe Sentis - 1994 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 50 (1):7-41.
  7.  23
    (2 other versions)Ethics briefing.Sophie Brannan, Martin Davies, Veronica English, Caroline Ann Harrison, Dominic Norcliffe-Brown & Julian C. Sheather - 2021 - Journal of Medical Ethics 47 (8):587-588.
    In June 2021, the BMA published its report on moral distress and moral injury in UK doctors.1 The report includes definitions of the terms ‘moral distress’ and ‘moral injury’ as well as a summary of how the concepts have developed over time. There is also an analysis of the BMA’s pan-profession survey of moral distress and moral injury of doctors in the UK, the first of its kind. The impact of COVID-19 and recommendations for tackling moral distress also feature. Many (...)
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    Trait Emotional Intelligence and Wellbeing During the Pandemic: The Mediating Role of Meaning-Centered Coping.Maria-Jose Sanchez-Ruiz, Natalie Tadros, Tatiana Khalaf, Veronica Ego, Nikolett Eisenbeck, David F. Carreno & Elma Nassar - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Studies investigating the COVID-19 pandemic from a psychological point of view have mostly focused on psychological distress. This study adopts the framework of existential positive psychology, a second wave of positive psychology that emphasizes the importance of effective coping with the negative aspects of living in order to achieve greater wellbeing. Trait emotional intelligence (trait EI) can be crucial in this context as it refers to emotion-related personality dispositions concerning the understanding and regulation of one’s emotions and those of others. (...)
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    Selection of Socially Responsible Portfolios Using Hedonic Prices.Amelia Bilbao-Terol, Mar Arenas-Parra, Verónica Cañal-Fernández & Celia Bilbao-Terol - 2013 - Journal of Business Ethics 115 (3):515-529.
    This paper presents a novel framework for selecting socially responsible investment (SRI) portfolios. The Hedonic Price Method (HPM) is applied to obtain an evaluation of SRI criteria that is integrated into a multi-objective mathematical programming model. The HPM breaks away from the traditional view that goods are the direct object of utility; on the contrary, it assumes that utility is derived from the properties or characteristics of the goods themselves. As far as the investment decision is concerned, we assume that (...)
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    Sostener las estrategias volitivas y mejorar la experiencia de estudiantes a distancia.Silvia Verónica Valdivia Yábar - 2022 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 11 (5):1-12.
    El objetivo del estudio fue explorar el potencial del diseño tangible para sostener la voluntad en la educación a distancia. Se realizaron entrevistas semiestructuradas con seis estudiantes. El análisis fenomenológico interpretativo de las entrevistas evidenció las dificultades que pueden atenuarse mediante la implementación de estrategias volitivas como la estructuración del tiempo y el entorno, la gestión de las emociones y la motivación, y la investigación de apoyo social. Se propusieron cinco objetos tangibles para atender las necesidades del alumnado: el tubo (...)
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  11.  21
    Martin Heidegger and the Truth About the Black Notebooks.Friedrich-Wilhelm von Herrmann & Francesco Alfieri - 2021 - Springer Verlag.
    Toward the beginning of 2013, I received reports of passages in the Black Notebooks that offered observations on Jewry, or as the case may be, world Jewry. It immediately became clear to me that the publication of the Black Notebooks would call forth a wide-spread international debate. Already in the Spring of 2013, I had asked Professor Friedrich-Wilhelm von Herrmann, last private assistant – and in the words of my grandfather, the “chief co-worker of the complete edition”, – if (...)
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    What Are Patients Doing in the Loop? Patients as Fellow-Workers in the Everyday Use of Medical AI.Markus Herrmann - 2024 - American Journal of Bioethics 24 (9):91-93.
    In their article “What are Humans Doing in the Loop? Co-Reasoning and Practical Judgment When Using Machine Learning-Driven Decision Aids,” Salloch and Eriksen (2024) propose involving patients as...
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    Equivalential and algebraizable logics.Burghard Herrmann - 1996 - Studia Logica 57 (2-3):419 - 436.
    The notion of an algebraizable logic in the sense of Blok and Pigozzi [3] is generalized to that of a possibly infinitely algebraizable, for short, p.i.-algebraizable logic by admitting infinite sets of equivalence formulas and defining equations. An example of the new class is given. Many ideas of this paper have been present in [3] and [4]. By a consequent matrix semantics approach the theory of algebraizable and p.i.-algebraizable logics is developed in a different way. It is related to the (...)
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  14. Moral distress in nursing practice in Malawi.Veronica Mary Maluwa, Judy Andre, Paul Ndebele & Evelyn Chilemba - 2012 - Nursing Ethics 19 (2):196-207.
    The aim of this study was to explore the existence of moral distress among nurses in Lilongwe District of Malawi. Qualitative research was conducted in selected health institutions of Lilongwe District in Malawi to assess knowledge and causes of moral distress among nurses and coping mechanisms and sources of support that are used by morally distressed nurses. Data were collected from a purposive sample of 20 nurses through in-depth interviews using a semi-structured interview guide. Thematic analysis of qualitative data was (...)
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    On the distinction between the concept of God and conceptions of God.Eberhard Herrmann - 2008 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 64 (2):63 - 73.
    The starting-point is the distinction between concept and conception. Our conceptions of gold, for instance, are the different understandings we get when we hear the word ‘gold’ whereas the concept of gold consists in the scientific determination of what gold is. It depends on the context whether it is more reasonable to claim a concept or to look for fitting conceptions. By arguing against metaphysical realism and for non-metaphysical realism, I will elaborate on some philosophical reasons for dealing with conceptions (...)
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  16.  44
    Effects of experimental and preexperimental organization on recognition: Evidence for two storage systems in long-term memory.D. J. Herrmann & John P. McLaughlin - 1973 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 99 (2):174.
  17. Saint Thomas d'Aquin et le Mal.Laurent SENTIS - 1992
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    Open Forum: Legitimacy/change/power: Is a New Course in Italian Gender Studies Possible?: A Response to Chiara Saraceno.Veronica Pravadelli - 2010 - European Journal of Women's Studies 17 (3):275-279.
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  19. La lumière dont nous faisons usage: la règle de la raison et la loi divine selon Thomas d'Aquin.Laurent Sentis - 1995 - Revue des Sciences Philosophiques Et Théologiques 79 (1):49-69.
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    La notion de hasard : Ses différentes définitions et leurs utilisations.Philippe Sentis - 2005 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 61 (3):463-496.
    Jusqu’à Blaise Pascal, le hasard désigne ce qui se produit en dehors de tout dessein humain ou divin et de tout ordre stable. Après lui, on cherche à préciser de façon constructive ces trois types d’exclusion, ce qui amène à définir les événements merveilleux, les événements aléatoires et les événements accidentels. Chacune de ces trois démarches a ses avantages et ses inconvénients. La première rend compte de tout ce qui étonne, mais écarte la liberté et le miracle et ne permet (...)
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    Retrovirus endógenos humanos: Significado biológico e implicaciones evolutivas.Carlos Sentís - 2002 - Arbor 172 (677):135-166.
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    M. Zambrano, El idiota.Veronica Tartabini - 2024 - Lebenswelt: Aesthetics and Philosophy of Experience 22.
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    Motståndets möjligheter: filosofiska repliker till Eberhard Herrmann.Eberhard Herrmann, Lena Edlund, Olof Franck, Mikael Stenmark, Karin Johannesson & Erica Appelros (eds.) - 2011 - Skellefteå: Norma.
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  24.  8
    Friedrich-Wilhelm von Herrmann.Veronika von Herrmann - 2023 - Heidegger Studies 39 (1):253-255.
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    Thinking Ahead on Deep Brain Stimulation: An Analysis of the Ethical Implications of a Developing Technology.Veronica Johansson, Martin Garwicz, Martin Kanje, Lena Halldenius & Jens Schouenborg - 2014 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 5 (1):24-33.
    Deep brain stimulation (DBS) is a developing technology. New generations of DBS technology are already in the pipeline, yet this particular fact has been largely ignored among ethicists interested in DBS. Focusing only on ethical concerns raised by the current DBS technology is, albeit necessary, not sufficient. Since current bioethical concerns raised by a specific technology could be quite different from the concerns it will raise a couple of years ahead, an ethical analysis should be sensitive to such alterations, or (...)
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  26.  81
    Grete Henry-Hermann: Philosophie – Mathematik – Quantenmechanik : Texte Zur Naturphilosophie Und Erkenntnistheorie, Mathematisch-Physikalische Beiträge Sowie Ausgewählte Korrespondenz Aus den Jahren 1925 Bis 1982.Herrmann Kay (ed.) - 2019 - Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden.
    This publication is an appreciation of the natural philosophy and epistemology of the philosopher Grete (Henry-)Hermann. A student of the mathematician Emmy Noether and the philosopher Leonard Nelson, she was one of the early interpreters of quantum mechanics. Werner Heisenberg memorialized her in his book "The Part and the Whole". For the first time, her writings on natural philosophy and epistemology are collected in one volume. An extensive introduction by various authors introduces the work of Grete Henry-Hermann. This edition is (...)
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  27.  8
    Transzendenz und Ereignis: Heideggers "Beiträge zur Philosophie (Vom Ereignis)": ein Kommentar.Friedrich-Wilhelm von Herrmann - 2019 - Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann.
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    Asymmetrical reciprocity.Herrmann Steffen - 2017 - Metodo. International Studies in Phenomenology and Philosophy 5 (1):73-87.
    In this article, I argue that Hegel’s concept of recognition and Levinas’ concept of responsibility complement each other and lead to the idea of an asymmetrical reciprocity in which the origin of our social relations is not mutual equality, but rather mutual inequality. I will unfold this argument in three steps. I will first work out a fundamental asymmetry of recognition in Hegel by means of the figure of the bondsman before elucidating in a second step the asymmetry of responsibility (...)
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  29. A Highly Random Number.Veronica Becher & Sergio Daicz - unknown
    many symbols. We define o, as the probability that an arbitrary machine be circular and we prove that o, is a random number that goes beyond..
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    Psicoterapia bilíngue em Libras para as pessoas surdas: desafios e possibilidades de atuação da psicologia na Bahia.Verônica Nascimento & Gildisson dos Santos Silva - 2024 - Aprender-Caderno de Filosofia E Psicologia da Educação 18 (32):234-254.
    Mesmo com avanços significativos referentes à inclusão das pessoas com deficiência, a comunidade surda ainda enfrenta diversos desafios. Em 2002, a LIBRAS foi reconhecida como meio de comunicação da comunidade surda e, em 2015, a Lei Brasileira de Inclusão garantiu acesso a todos os espaços, inclusive de saúde e a psicoterapia é um desses espaços. O objetivo geral desta pesquisa foi identificar as contribuições e os desafios da psicologia para a realização do atendimento psicoterapêutico acessível em LIBRAS. Os objetivos específicos (...)
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    Pandemic Triage Criteria by COVID-19: Multiple approaches.Veronica Luzuriaga, Gabriela Rueda, Josue Quiroga, Gitti Montesdeoca & Jose Calahorrano - 2022 - Minerva 3 (7):25-36.
    This paper presents the most relevant criteria considered in the face of a lack of resources and medical infrastructure to prioritize the treatment of patients affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. From a systematic review, points of view have been collected considering the medical and social fields. Multiple divergences were found in these views depending on the countries, resources, religious approaches, and political aspects that have been adapted according to the circumstances of each nation. Keywords: Triage, COVID-19, public health.
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    The phenomenology of compassion in the teachings of Jiddu Krishnamurti, 1895-1986.Veronica Boutte - 2002 - Lewiston, N.Y.: Edwin Mellen Press.
    Machine generated contents note: Chapter 1 -- The Prison of the Known -- Chapter 2 -- Can We Live without Conflict? -- Chapter 3 -- The Meaning of Dialogue -- Chapter 4 -- Practice and Solidarity: We Are the World -- Chapter 5 -- Science and the Religious Mind -- Chapter 6 -- A Call for Active Being: Being at Home in the World.
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    A avaliação de crianças para adoção; Children evaluation for adoption.Verônica Petersen Chaves - 2001 - Aletheia: An International Journal of Philosophy 13:27-42.
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    L'icône: L'image et l'invisible.Veronica Cibotaru - 2015 - Ostium 11 (2).
    An icon is part of the visible world, moreover, of things that are visible in a second degree. It is not only a sensitive thing, but a sensitive image of a sensitive entity. As an eikon, it is located in a platonic sense among the lowest degree of the doxa, and within the lowest degree of the scale of being. However it is not a simple sensitive and illusory representation of God, such as one criticized from a Kantian point of (...)
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    Perspectivas diversas sobre el MVET y reivindicación filológica de su carácter épico.Verónica Ñengono Nguema Bindang - 2016 - Endoxa 37 (37):199-222.
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    Definable structures in the lattice of recursively enumerable sets.E. Herrmann - 1984 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 49 (4):1190-1197.
    It will be shown that in the lattice of recursively enumerable sets one can define elementarily with parameters a structure isomorphic to (∑ 0 4 , ∑ 0 3 ), i.e. isomorphic to the lattice of ∑ 0 4 sets together with a unary predicate selecting out exactly the ∑ 0 3 sets.
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    New essays on Plato: language and thought in fourth-century Greek philosophy.Fritz-Gregor Herrmann & Stefan Büttner (eds.) - 2006 - Oakville, CT: David Brown Book Co., distributor.
    New Essays on Plato assembles nine original papers on the language and thought of the Athenian philosopher. The collection encompasses issues from the Apology to the Laws and includes discussions of topics in ethics, political theory, psychology, epistemology, ontology, physics and metaphysics, and ancient literary criticism. The contributions by an international team of scholars represent a spectrum of diverse traditions and approaches, and offer new solutions to a selection of specific problems. Themes include the Happiness and Nature of the Philosopher-Kings, (...)
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    Il dialogo infinito del pensiero: una riflessione sul senso dell'umano.Veronica Petito - 2020 - Assisi: Cittadella editrice.
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    Personal evolution: the art of living with purpose.Veronica Ray - 1992 - Center City, Minn.: Hazelden.
    Through stories & narratives, listeners are invited to sort through the stories & beliefs that have been given meaning to their lives.
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    Point monads and $P$-closed spaces.Robert A. Herrmann - 1979 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 20 (2):395-400.
  41. (1 other version)Penser la personne.L. Sentis - 1994 - Nouvelle Revue Théologique 116 (5):679-700.
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  42. Penser la personne. III: Comment atteindre la personne?L. Sentis - 1994 - Nouvelle Revue Théologique 116 (6):862-873.
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    El "privilegio" de la postergación: Dilemas en las nuevas historiografías de la identidad.Verónica Tozzi - 2005 - Análisis Filosófico 25 (2):139-163.
    En "La evidencia de la experiencia" Joan Scott lanzó un desafío a las concepciones que sustentan las políticas de la identidad, de tal profundidad y agudeza, que llega incluso a cuestionar la razonabilidad de sus reclamos y la eficacia de tal política. Las reacciones no tardaron en llegar, generando múltiples intentos de responder al desafío. Se destacan entre ellos el programa Realista pospositivista de Satya Mohanty, cuyo objetivo primordial será ofrecer una consideración alternativa de la noción de experiencia subjetiva -antiesencialista (...)
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    Die Edition der Vorlesungen Heideggers in seiner Gesamtausgabe letzter Hand.Friedrich-Wilhelm von Herrmann - 1986 - Heidegger Studies 2:153-172.
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  45. Standards for Belief Representations in LLMs.Daniel A. Herrmann & Benjamin A. Levinstein - 2024 - Minds and Machines 35 (1):1-25.
    As large language models (LLMs) continue to demonstrate remarkable abilities across various domains, computer scientists are developing methods to understand their cognitive processes, particularly concerning how (and if) LLMs internally represent their beliefs about the world. However, this field currently lacks a unified theoretical foundation to underpin the study of belief in LLMs. This article begins filling this gap by proposing adequacy conditions for a representation in an LLM to count as belief-like. We argue that, while the project of belief (...)
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    Engaging with children in research: Theoretical and practical implications of negotiating informed consent/assent.Veronica Lambert & Michele Glacken - 2011 - Nursing Ethics 18 (6):781-801.
    At the outset of an ethnographic inquiry, we navigated national and international resources to search for theoretical and practical guidance on obtaining parents and children’s informed consent/assent. While much theoretical guidance debating ethical issues to children’s participation in research was found, a paucity of published papers offering practical guidance on assent processes and/or visual representations of child assent forms and information sheets was discovered. The purpose of this article is to describe our experiences, both theoretically and practically, of negotiating the (...)
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    Tomándose la historia en serio. Danto, esencialismo histórico e indiscernibles.Veronica Tozzi - 2007 - Revista de Filosofía (Madrid) 32 (2):109-126.
    The place that Arthur Danto gives to history, as constitutive to as and our world, as well as a discipline able to produce knowledge of the past, reach its cenit with his philosophy of art. In “the End of Art”, Danto announces an end of the history of the search of the philosophical definition of art and the beginning of the era of pluralism. It is in this account where essencialism and historicism are combined in a way that estimules a (...)
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  48.  36
    Medical ethics today: the BMAs handbook of ethics and law.Veronica English, Ann Sommerville & Sophie Brannan (eds.) - 2012 - Hoboken, NJ: Wiley-Blackwell.
    The doctor-patient relationship -- Consent, choice, and refusal : adults with capacity -- Treating adults who lack capacity -- Children and young people -- Confidentiality -- Health records -- Contraception, abortion, and birth -- Assisted reproduction -- Genetics -- Caring for patients at the end of life -- Euthanasia and physician assisted suicide -- Responsibilities after a patient's death -- Prescribing and administering medication -- Research and innovative treatment -- Emergency situations -- Doctors with dual obligations -- Providing treatment and (...)
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    Infinite chains and antichains in computable partial orderings.E. Herrmann - 2001 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 66 (2):923-934.
    We show that every infinite computable partial ordering has either an infinite Δ 0 2 chain or an infinite Π 0 2 antichain. Our main result is that this cannot be improved: We construct an infinite computable partial ordering that has neither an infinite Δ 0 2 chain nor an infinite Δ 0 2 antichain.
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    Verónica Rodríguez-Blanco.Verónica Rodríguez-Blanco - 2017 - Problema. Anuario de Filosofía y Teoria Del Derecho 1 (11).
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